Habits and Behavior
Close relative of spiders. Barely visible to the naked eye. Some are parasitic and will feed on humans. Bites cause intense itching and irritation. Other species are pests which attack house and garden plants.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Species which attack animals often migrate into homes from abandoned rodent or bird nests (in attics etc.). Can be found in basements, kitchens, bathrooms and near hot water pipes. Plant pests can be found on almost any house plant.
Outdoors: Can be found as parasites on birds and other animals, will migrate from one host to another. Plants pests can attack any landscape or garden plant.
Habits and Behavior
Eat starchy glues in book bindings, cardboard boxes and wallpaper.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Prefer cool, damp areas, books or behind wallpaper. Often found in attics, basements, closets, and storage cartons.
Pill Bugs
Habits and Behavior
Harmless, but presence is a nuisance. Feed on decaying plant material and other organic matter.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Found in damp basements. Enter via windows or door jams.
Outdoors: Live in damp places near foundations, in leaf piles, rotting vegetation/wood, or in grass clippings.
Habits and Behavior
Few species can inflict painful bites, most merely a nuisance. Webs are unsightly. Some spiders are predators on other insects and other small animals.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Spin webs in basements, attics. fireplaces, cabinets, around windows and light fixtures, furniture and chimneys.
Outdoors: Webs are commonly found around windows and light fixtures, and along foundation walls.
Habits and Behavior
Serious pests in buildings. Begin attacking wood near grade level or below and cause structural damage.
Common Problem Areas
Found in wood crawl spaces, floors, and walls of homes, boathouses, wooden piers, fences, stumps, or firewood. Most wood in contact with soil is especially venerable.
Habits and Behavior
Penetrate skin with mouthparts and suck blood from humans and animals. Bites can become infected if tick is not properly remove from skin. Some species transmit diseases including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Found behind baseboards, in furniture, and on carpeting and walls.
Outdoors: Live in wooded areas around homes and in tall grass. Can crawl up fences and sides of houses.
Habits and Behavior
Larva feed on a variety of stored food, particularly spices, dried foods, nuts, and cereals.
Common Problem Areas
Invade stored products in the home. Often leave extensive webbing as they feed. Reproduce rapidly in areas with abundant food and proper warmth.
Grain Beetles
Habits and Behavior
Found worldwide. Feed on Stored cereals and other grain products.
Common Problem Areas
Invade and contaminate stored foodstuffs, including spices, boxed cereals and crackers. Small enough to readily penetrate containers which appear lightly sealed.
House Flies
Habits and Behavior
Larvae: Commonly called maggots; grow into disease carrying adult flies.
Adults: Many carry bacteria that can contaminate food dishes and utensils.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Frequently noticed on walls and windows. Will readily land on exposed food.
Outdoors: Found in or near garbage containers. Prefer decaying matter, such as animal waste or compost piles on which to feed and lay their eggs.
Hornets & Wasps
Habits and Behavior
Inflict painful stings when aggravated or nest is threatened. (Includes Yellow Jackets which may nest in the ground or in structures.) Some people are highly allergic to stings.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Can be found in windows, lamps and draperies.
Outdoors: Nest under siding or eaves of buildings, in trees or in the ground. Commonly create a nuisance at outdoor events such as picnics.
Habits and Behavior
Numerous species, some which carry disease. Inflict itchy, sometimes painful bites as they feed on blood. Need source of water to lay eggs.
Common Problem Areas
Indoors: Buzz around pets and humans seeking blood meal (required for reproduction of most species).
Outdoors: Lay eggs in or near shallow bodies of water and marshy areas. Often noticed around densely shaded areas and patios, or picnic areas and shrubbery.